Project cancelation

So... the title kind of says it all. I am very sad and sorry to announce that I will officially be cancelling the project When Stars Fall

Unfortunately, due to all of the set backs mentioned in previous devlogs, Wu going through his own life balance, and a recent cancer diagnosis for my mom as well as getting tests myself related to family history of cancer and other health issues I've been having for the past year, I have not been able to dedicate any time or energy to the project in a while and progress has come to a complete halt. Rather than keeping you all waiting with a hiatus and giving inconsistent comments and updates about possible future content and releases, I will be canceling the project completely. 

This project has meant so much to me and your support and enjoyment of the project brought me so much happiness and motivation and a desire to deliver quality content, lovable characters, a good story, and much more. Sadly, with life getting in the way, it is not feasible for me to continue on this project. I will leave the project up on itch as more of a proof of concept/demo for any who want to play it, however there will be no more updates being released. Some day I do hope to be able to revive this story in a more consistent manner, however at this time, there are no plans to continue it's development. 

I am very sorry to disappoint everyone who has been so loyal and supportive to this project. I truly appreciate everyone who has played and helped with the project. 

Get When Stars Fall


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not all is lost! you can always come back and pick it up^^
wish you and your family all the best - take care!! ;]


i hope you feel better and your mom beats cancer


Holy shit cancer😨


If you come back and see this, 1. I hope for the best for you and yours and 2. Don't completely give up on this.  Cancel the game, of course, but maybe in your quiet moments, write the story out.  You don't have to share it or post it anywhere; instead write it out so you never forget it and what you wanted to do with it.  Tell the story you wanted to tell.  In the future, it might become something else, but first and foremost, it is your story, world, characters, ideas, and thoughts.  They're worth saving.

Aw that's unfortunate, this VN had such a great beginning and tons of potential, it is sad that it had to be cancelled, but that's life, sometimes it hits hard.
Still, what we got was great regardless! I wish you and your mother the best and hopefully a swift recovery, also thank you for putting up a warning that it is cancelled and not just vanishing.
Holding out hope for a future revisiting of this great story!


I appreciate that you officially announced the cancellation rather than simply stopping the updates and disappearing like so many other developers.


I am sorry to read that and I hope you, your mother and your friends all the best. Please let us know if you ever decide to return to this project or start another!


I'm sorry to hear this but wish you and your mother the best of luck. Hope for the future.


Oh nooooo! This VN held so much promise... it's truly a shame to see it go :(
Sadly, that's life... I hope you and your family gets better I totally understand where you come from (given my mom had cancer diagnosis last year). So yeah go take care of your fam and take care! Hopefully this project comes back some day ^^

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While it saddens me to see the project to be cancelled, I understand your reasoning, and hope everyone else does and I wish you the best, your mum too. But, I do reserve my hopes that we will hear “When Stars Fall” at least in the future, so for now, thank you for the fascinating experience, farewell and take care!


It's sad this vn which has so much potential is cancelled but we wish you all well.  Thank you for giving us When Stars Fall


Well this sucks. Only thing i was excited for canceled. This is becoming a trend on itch.

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Sorry to hear that I was really hoping to see more from when stars fall but I understand some stories and never come to together


My condolences,  loved your project but i how things get better for you!!! 💜🖤🌙


It's sad that it came to be cancelled, but I get it. I hope that we will hear from it again in a distant future, but for now, goodbye. It's been nice following this amazing in, I hope you will find stability and everything settle down for you soon. 



Sorry to hear that, but yeah. Life happens. All the best wishes to you and your family. If you get around to some day revising the story, I'll be here for it! :)

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Well, while I'm sad to read this, I can totally understand. One thing I want to say: real life should always come first, especially when it's about your parents, here I can relate. So no worries, if someday you will want to return to your project, it would be great. If not then not. Best of luck to you.

p.s. Sorry if my message is somehow sounds inappropriate, English is not my native language.


Thank you for releasing When stars fall first, I was happy to read it and I must say that was a quality Time, I have no regrets and I'm happy like that. Goodbye Silas

Take care of you and your mom ( a lot ), hope that everything will be alright


Hey best of luck to you bud. Its sucks that you had to cancel your VN. I hope one day you can pick it back up. Good luck to you and your family.

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